

rosaniline [roh-zan-l-in, -ahyn] ExamplesWord Origin noun Chemistry.

  1. a red dye, C20H20N3Cl, derived from aniline and orthotoluidine, a constituent of fuchsin.
  2. the base, C20H21N3O, which, with hydrochloric acid, forms this dye.

Origin of rosaniline First recorded in 1860–65; rose1 + aniline Examples from the Web for rosaniline Historical Examples of rosaniline

  • In France the hydrochlorate of rosaniline is chiefly employed.

    Cooley’s Practical Receipts, Volume II

    Arnold Cooley

  • A pleasant syrup, leaving a slightly sharp taste, containing a little carbonate of potash, and faintly coloured with rosaniline.

    Cooley’s Cyclopdia of Practical Receipts and Collateral Information in the Arts, Manufactures, Professions, and Trades…, Sixth Edition, Volume I

    Arnold Cooley

  • Other transformations of rosaniline have yet to be chronicled.


    Raphael Meldola

  • A few years ago murexid was extensively used in dyeing; it is now almost superseded by rosaniline or magenta.

    Cooley’s Practical Receipts, Volume II

    Arnold Cooley

  • The intimate relation between chrysaniline, rosaniline, and leucaniline has been shown by Hofmann.

    Cooley’s Practical Receipts, Volume II

    Arnold Cooley

  • British Dictionary definitions for rosaniline rosaniline rosanilin noun

    1. a reddish-brown crystalline insoluble derivative of aniline used, in the form of its soluble hydrochloride, as a red dyeSee also fuchsin

    Word Origin for rosaniline C19: from rose 1 + aniline rosaniline in Medicine rosaniline n.

    1. A brownish-red crystalline organic compound derived from aniline and used in the manufacture of dyes and in Schiff’s reagent.
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