rose mallow

rose mallow

rose mallow ExamplesWord Origin noun

  1. any of several plants of the genus Hibiscus, of the mallow family, having rose-colored flowers.

Origin of rose mallow First recorded in 1725–35 Examples from the Web for rose mallow Historical Examples of rose mallow

  • “I feel so happy, and yet so miserable, to-day,” said the Rose-Mallow to the Princess one morning.

    The Village of Youth

    Bessie Hatton

  • She thought of the Rose-Mallow, and pondered with new-born sympathy on the Violet’s pain.

    The Village of Youth

    Bessie Hatton

  • They were screened by a tangle of rose-mallow, and there John Woolfolk seated himself—waiting.

    Wild Oranges

    Joseph Hergesheimer

  • The Rose-Mallow alone was too busily employed in climbing the wall to observe what circumstance was disturbing the flower-garden.

    The Village of Youth

    Bessie Hatton

  • As she walked, weeping, beside the once brilliant border, she saw the Rose-Mallow lying half-dead across her path.

    The Village of Youth

    Bessie Hatton

  • British Dictionary definitions for rose mallow rose mallow noun

    1. Also called (US and Canadian): marsh mallow any of several malvaceous marsh plants of the genus Hibiscus, such as H. moscheutos, of E North America, having pink or white flowers and downy leaves
    2. US another name for the hollyhock
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