

roseola [roh-zee-uh-luh, roh-zee-oh-luh] ExamplesWord Origin noun Pathology.

  1. a kind of rose-colored rash.
  2. rubella.

Origin of roseola 1810–20; New Latin, equivalent to Latin rose(us) rose-colored + -ola -ole1 Related formsro·se·o·lar, adjective Examples from the Web for roseola Historical Examples of roseola

  • Erythema, or roseola as it is differently called, is apt to present itself about the second or third week76 after birth.

    A System of Practical Medicine By American Authors, Vol. II


  • Rose′-quartz, a transparent quartz; Rose′-rash (see Roseola).

    Chambers’s Twentieth Century Dictionary (part 3 of 4: N-R)


  • Roseola claims that Tiffany makes a right smart of her brother, and sets a heap by him.

    Nye and Riley’s Wit and Humor (Poems and Yarns)

    Bill Nye

  • Eczema, roseola, elephantiasis, presented a long array of doleful victims.

    The Three Cities Trilogy, Complete

    Emile Zola

  • Before medication had had time to make any impression on the disease, roseola appeared.

    The Electric Bath

    George M. Schweig

  • British Dictionary definitions for roseola roseola noun pathol

    1. a feverish condition of young children that lasts for some five days during the last two of which the patient has a rose-coloured rash. It is caused by the human herpes virus
    2. any red skin eruption or rash

    Derived Formsroseolar, adjectiveWord Origin for roseola C19: from New Latin, diminutive of Latin roseus rosy roseola in Medicine roseola [rō-zē′ə-lə, rō′zē-ō′lə] n.

    1. A rose-colored skin rash, sometimes occurring with diseases such as measles, syphilis, or scarlet fever.
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