rough breathing

rough breathing

rough breathing ExamplesWord Origin noun

  1. the symbol (ʿ) used in the writing of Greek to indicate aspiration of the initial vowel or of the ρ (rho) over which it is placed.
  2. the aspirated sound indicated by this mark.

Compare smooth breathing. Origin of rough breathing 1740–50; translation of Latin spiritus asper Examples from the Web for rough breathing Historical Examples of rough breathing

  • All other rough-breathing marks have been added by the transcriber.

    An Essay on the Lyric Poetry of the Ancients

    John Ogilvie

  • Greek accents are often unclear and (apart from rough-breathing marks) have been omitted.

    A Vindication of the Presbyteriall-Government and Ministry

    Ministers and Elders of the London Provinciall Assembly

  • British Dictionary definitions for rough breathing rough breathing noun

    1. (in Greek) the sign (῾) placed over an initial letter, or a second letter if the word begins with a diphthong, indicating that (in ancient Greek) it was pronounced with an hCompare smooth breathing
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