

roughie 1 noun

  1. a small food fish of the family Arripididae, found in southern and western Australian watersAlso called: orange roughy, ruff, tommy rough

roughie 2 noun Australian slang

  1. something unfair, esp a trickhe put a roughie over
  2. (in horse racing) an outsider that wins

Collins English Dictionary – Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012 Examples from the Web for roughie Historical Examples of roughie

  • Mr. Trevor glanced, still a little doubtfully, at Roughie in my arms.

    The House That Grew

    Mrs. Molesworth

  • I can see Roughie’—for Rough, had considered it more manly to stay in the shop—’and Mr.—your papa, Celestina.

    The Rectory Children

    Mrs Molesworth

  • He ran—of course the noise got worse; he ran faster, and it grew louder—faster still—oh, my poor Roughie!

    The House That Grew

    Mrs. Molesworth

  • But for my having him in my arms, he would have made an end of Roughie, and certainly I would never have told this story.

    The House That Grew

    Mrs. Molesworth

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