

row 2 [roh] EXAMPLES|WORD ORIGIN verb (used without object) to propel a vessel by the leverage of an oar or the like. verb (used with object) to propel (a vessel) by the leverage of an oar or the like. to convey in a boat that is rowed. to convey or propel (something) in a manner suggestive of rowing. to require, use, or be equipped with (a number of oars): The captain’s barge rowed twenty oars. to use (oarsmen) for rowing. to perform or participate in by rowing: to row a race. to row against in a race: Oxford rows Cambridge. SEE MORESEE LESS noun an act, instance, or period of rowing: It was a long row to the far bank. an excursion in a rowboat: to go for a row.

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  • Origin of row 2 before 950; Middle English rowen, Old English rōwan; cognate with Old Norse rōa; akin to Latin rēmus oar. Cf. rudder Related formsrow·a·ble, adjectiverow·er, nounun·der·row·er, noun Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2019 Examples from the Web for rower Contemporary Examples of rower

  • “The air has come out of the tires,” the Canadian rower Iain Brambell said in 2008.

    London Athletes Face Post-Olympic Blues

    Tony Doukopil

    August 14, 2012

  • He was greeted  by Canadian rower Malcolm Howard, a member of the silver-medal winning men’s eight.

    Prince Harry: I’m Too Old To Go Out Anymore. Really Your Highness?!

    Tom Sykes

    August 2, 2012

  • Historical Examples of rower

  • The third, who was in the bows, exchanged some words with the rower, who replied.

    A Spirit in Prison

    Robert Hichens

  • She opened her eyes, and now she could see the boat again and the rower.

    The Call of the Blood

    Robert Smythe Hichens

  • I was upon the Styx, and in my rower I recognised the redoubtable Charon.

    The Quadroon

    Mayne Reid

  • The rower, startled by the sudden shout, turned quickly round.

    The Willoughby Captains

    Talbot Baines Reed

  • I didnt know those Mexicans were so thrifty, the rower went on.

    The Eight-Oared Victors

    Lester Chadwick

  • British Dictionary definitions for rower row 1 noun an arrangement of persons or things in a linea row of chairs

    1. mainly Britisha street, esp a narrow one lined with identical houses
    2. (capital when part of a street name)Church Row

    a line of seats, as in a cinema, theatre, etc maths a horizontal linear arrangement of numbers, quantities, or terms, esp in a determinant or matrix a horizontal rank of squares on a chessboard or draughtboard in a row in succession; one after the otherhe won two gold medals in a row a hard row to hoe a difficult task or assignment Word Origin for row Old English rāw, rǣw; related to Old High German rīga line, Lithuanian raiwe strip row 2 noun a noisy quarrel or dispute a noisy disturbance; commotionwe couldn’t hear the music for the row next door a reprimand give someone a row informal to scold someone; tell someone off verb (intr often foll by with) to quarrel noisily (tr) archaic to reprimand Word Origin for row C18: origin unknown row 3 verb to propel (a boat) by using oars (tr) to carry (people, goods, etc) in a rowing boat to be propelled by means of (oars or oarsmen) (intr) to take part in the racing of rowing boats as a sport, esp in eights, in which each member of the crew pulls one oarCompare scull (def. 6) (tr) to race against in a boat propelled by oarsOxford row Cambridge every year noun an act, instance, period, or distance of rowing an excursion in a rowing boat See also row over Derived Formsrower, nounrowing, nounWord Origin for row Old English rōwan; related to Middle Dutch roien, Middle High German rüejen, Old Norse rōa, Latin rēmus oar Collins English Dictionary – Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012 Word Origin and History for rower row n.1

    “line of people or things,” Old English ræw “a row, line; succession, hedge-row,” probably from Proto-Germanic *rai(h)waz (cf. Middle Dutch rie, Dutch rij “row;” Old High German rihan “to thread,” riga “line;” German Reihe “row, line, series;” Old Norse rega “string”), possibly from PIE root *rei- “to scratch, tear, cut” (cf. Sanskrit rikhati “scratches,” rekha “line”). Meaning “a number of houses in a line” is attested from mid-15c., originally chiefly Scottish and northern English. Phrase a hard row to hoe attested from 1823, American English.

    row v.

    “propel with oars,” Old English rowan “go by water, row” (class VII strong verb; past tense reow, past participle rowen), from Proto-Germanic *ro- (cf. Old Norse roa, Dutch roeien, West Frisian roeije, Middle High German rüejen), from PIE root *ere- (1) “to row” (cf. Sanskrit aritrah “oar;” Greek eressein “to row,” eretmon “oar,” trieres “trireme;” Latin remus “oar;” Lithuanian iriu “to row,” irklas “oar;” Old Irish rome “oar,” Old English roðor “rudder”).

    row n.2

    “noisy commotion,” 1746, Cambridge University slang, of uncertain origin, perhaps related to rousel “drinking bout” (c.1600), a shortened form of carousal. Klein suggests a back-formation from rouse (n.), mistaken as a plural (cf. pea from pease).

    Online Etymology Dictionary, © 2010 Douglas Harper Idioms and Phrases with rower row

    see get one’s ducks in a row; kick up a fuss (row); skid row; tough row to hoe.

    The American Heritage® Idioms Dictionary Copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.

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