saint columba

saint columba


  1. Pa·draic [paw-drik] /ˈpɔ drɪk/, 1881–1972, Irish poet and dramatist, in the U.S. from 1914.
  2. SaintSaint ColumbaSaint ColumcilleApostle of Caledonia, 521–97, Irish missionary, founder of Iona.

noun, genitive Co·lum·bae [kuhluhm-bee] /kəˈlʌm bi/ for 2.

  1. Saint,a.d. 521–597, Irish missionary in Scotland.
  2. Also called Columba Noae [noh-ee] /ˈnoʊ i/. Astronomy. the Dove, or Noah’s Dove, a southern constellation between Caelum and Canis Major.


  1. Padraic (ˈpɑːdrɪk). 1881–1972, Irish lyric poet, resident in the US (1914–72)

noun Latin genitive Columbae (kəˈlʌmbiː)

  1. as in Alpha Columbae. a small constellation in the S hemisphere south of Orion


  1. Saint. ?521–597 ad, Irish missionary: founded the monastery at Iona (563) from which the Picts were converted to Christianity. Feast day: June 9
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