saint gregory

saint gregory


  1. SaintGregory the Great, a.d. c540–604, Italian ecclesiastic: pope 590–604.


  1. Saint,died a.d. 731, pope 715–731.


  1. Saint,died a.d. 741, pope 731–741.


  1. SaintHildebrand, c1020–85, Italian ecclesiastic: pope 1073–85.


  1. Saint, known as Gregory the Great. ?540–604 ad, pope (590–604), who greatly influenced the medieval Church. He strengthened papal authority by centralizing administration, tightened discipline, and revised the liturgy. He appointed Saint Augustine missionary to England. Feast day: March 12 or Sept 3


  1. Saint, monastic name Hildebrand. ?1020-–85, pope (1073–85), who did much to reform abuses in the Church. His assertion of papal supremacy and his prohibition (1075) of lay investiture was opposed by the Holy Roman Emperor Henry IV, whom he excommunicated (1076). He was driven into exile when Henry captured Rome (1084). Feast day: May 25
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