


  1. a city on Réunion Island, in the Indian Ocean.
  2. a former city on Martinique, in the French West Indies: destroyed 1902, with the entire population of 26,000, by an eruption of the volcano Mt. Pelée.

noun (used with a singular or plural verb)

  1. two small groups of islands off the S coast of Newfoundland: an overseas territory of France; important base for fishing. 3 sq. mi. (240 sq. km). Capital: St. Pierre.

noun usually abbreviated to: St-Pierre

  1. a town on the coast of the French island of Martinique, destroyed by the eruption of Mont Pelée in 1902 with the loss of about 30 000 lives; later partly rebuilt


  1. Jacques Henri Bernardin de (ʒak ɑ̃ri bɛrnardɛ̃ də). 1737–1814, French author; his work, which was greatly influenced by the writings of Rousseau, includes Voyage à l’Île de France (1773), Études de la nature (1784, 1788), and La chaumière indienne (1791)
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