

noun, plural sanc·tums, sanc·ta [sangk-tuh] /ˈsæŋk tə/.

  1. a sacred or holy place.
  2. an inviolably private place or retreat.

noun plural -tums or -ta (-tə)

  1. a sacred or holy place
  2. a room or place of total privacy or inviolability

n.1570s, “holy place of the Jewish tabernacle,” from Latin sanctum “a holy place,” as in Late Latin sanctum sanctorum “holy of holies” (translating Greek to hagion ton hagion, translating Hebrew qodesh haqqodashim), from neuter of sanctus “holy” (see saint (n.)). In English, sanctum sanctorum attested from c.1400; in sense of “a person’s private retreat” from 1706.

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