


  1. a shoe consisting of a sole of leather or other material fastened to the foot by thongs or straps.
  2. any of various low shoes or slippers.
  3. a light, low, rubber overshoe covering only the front part of a woman’s high-heeled shoe.
  4. a band or strap that fastens a low shoe or slipper on the foot by passing over the instep or around the ankle.

verb (used with object), san·daled, san·dal·ing or (especially British) san·dalled, san·dal·ling.

  1. to furnish with sandals.


  1. a light shoe consisting of a sole held on the foot by thongs, straps, etc
  2. a strap passing over the instep or around the ankle to keep a low shoe on the foot

n.type of shoe, late 14c., from Old French sandale, from Latin sandalium “a slipper, sandal,” from Greek sandalion, diminutive of sandalon “sandal,” of unknown origin, perhaps from Persian. Related: Sandals.

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