


  1. the quality in a substance that affects the sense of taste or of smell.
  2. a particular taste or smell.
  3. distinctive quality or property.
  4. power to excite or interest.
  5. Archaic. repute.

verb (used without object)

  1. to have savor, taste, or odor.
  2. to exhibit the peculiar characteristics; smack (often followed by of): His business practices savor of greed.

verb (used with object)

  1. to give a savor to; season; flavor.
  2. to perceive by taste or smell, especially with relish: to savor the garden’s odors.
  3. to give oneself to the enjoyment of: to savor the best in life.


  1. the quality in a substance that is perceived by the sense of taste or smell
  2. a specific taste or smellthe savour of lime
  3. a slight but distinctive quality or trace
  4. the power to excite interestthe savour of wit has been lost
  5. archaic reputation


  1. (intr often foll by of) to possess the taste or smell (of)
  2. (intr often foll by of) to have a suggestion (of)
  3. (tr) to give a taste to; season
  4. (tr) to taste or smell, esp appreciatively
  5. (tr) to relish or enjoy

chiefly British English spelling of savor (q.v.); for spelling, see -or. Related: Savoured; savouring. n.mid-13c., from Old French savor “flavor, taste; sauce, seasoning; delight, pleasure,” from Latin saporem (nominative sapor) “taste, flavor,” related to sapere “to have a flavor” (see sapient). v.c.1300, from Old French savorer “taste, breathe in; appreciate, care for,” from Late Latin saporare, from Latin sapor (see savor (n.)). Related: Savored; savoring.

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