

Symbol, Chemistry.

  1. antimony.

  1. substantive.

  1. Baseball. stolen base; stolen bases.

  1. Bachelor of Science.

  1. South Britain (England and Wales).

the internet domain name for

  1. Solomon Islands

the chemical symbol for

  1. antimony

abbreviation for

  1. substantive

  1. The symbol for the elementantimony

  1. The symbol for antimony.


  1. A metalloid element having many forms, the most common of which is a hard, very brittle, shiny, blue-white crystal. It is used in a wide variety of alloys, especially with lead in car batteries, and in the manufacture of flameproofing compounds. Atomic number 51; atomic weight 121.76; melting point 630.5°C (1,167°F); boiling point 1,380°C (2,516°F); specific gravity 6.691; valence 3, 5. See Periodic Table.
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