


  1. a distinctive odor, especially when agreeable: the scent of roses.
  2. an odor left in passing, by means of which an animal or person may be traced.
  3. a track or trail as or as if indicated by such an odor: The dogs lost the scent and the prisoner escaped.
  4. perfume.
  5. the sense of smell: a remarkably keen scent.
  6. small pieces of paper dropped by the hares in the game of hare and hounds.

verb (used with object)

  1. to perceive or recognize by or as if by the sense of smell: to scent trouble.
  2. to fill with an odor; perfume.

verb (used without object)

  1. to hunt by the sense of smell, as a hound.


  1. a distinctive smell, esp a pleasant one
  2. a smell left in passing, by which a person or animal may be traced
  3. a trail, clue, or guide
  4. an instinctive ability for finding out or detecting
  5. another word (esp Brit) for perfume


  1. (tr) to recognize or be aware of by or as if by the smell
  2. (tr) to have a suspicion of; detectI scent foul play
  3. (tr) to fill with odour or fragrance
  4. (intr) (of hounds, etc) to hunt by the sense of smell
  5. to smell (at)the dog scented the air

v.late 14c., sent “to find the scent of,” from Old French sentir “to feel, smell, touch, taste; realize, perceive; make love to,” from Latin sentire ” to feel, perceive, sense, discern, hear, see” (see sense (n.)). Originally a hunting term. The -c- appeared 17c., perhaps by influence of ascent, descent, etc., or by influence of science. This was a tendency in early Modern English, cf. scythe, and also scite, scituate. Figurative use from 1550s. Transitive sense “impregnate with an odor, perfume” is from 1690s. Related: Scented; scenting. n.late 14c., “scent, smell, what can be smelled” (as a means of pursuit by a hound), from scent (v.). Almost always applied to agreeable odors. see throw off, def. 3.

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