


  1. Also called bilharzia. any elongated trematode of the genus Schistosoma, parasitic in the blood vessels of humans and other mammals; a blood fluke.


  1. Also schis·to·so·mal. pertaining to or caused by schistosomes.


  1. any of various blood flukes of the chiefly tropical genus Schistosoma, which cause disease in man and domestic animalsAlso called: bilharzia


  1. Any of several chiefly tropical trematodes of the genus Schistosoma, many of which are parasitic in the blood of humans and other mammals.blood fluke

  1. Any of several chiefly tropical trematodes of the genus Schistosoma, many of which are parasitic in the blood of birds and mammals, including three species that cause infection in humans, as in schistosomiasis.
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