


  1. Psychology. of or relating to a personality disorder marked by dissociation, passivity, withdrawal, inability to form warm social relationships, and indifference to praise or criticism.
  2. Informal. of or relating to schizophrenia or to multiple personality.


  1. a schizoid person.


  1. psychol denoting a personality disorder characterized by lack of close relationships with other people and more than usual self-absorption
  2. informal, offensive characterized by or showing conflicting or contradictory attitudes, ideas, etc


  1. a person who has a schizoid personality

adj.“resembling schizophrenia,” 1925, from German schizoid (1921), from front part of schizophrenia + Greek -oeides “like,” from eidos “form, shape” (see -oid). adj.

  1. Of, relating to, or having a personality marked by extreme shyness, seclusiveness, and an inability to form close friendships or social relationships.
  2. Schizophrenic. No longer in scientific use.


  1. A schizoid or schizophrenic person.
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