

noun Pathology.

  1. pain and tenderness at some points of the sciatic nerve, usually caused by a prolapsed intervertebral disk; sciatic neuralgia.
  2. any painful disorder extending from the hip down the back of the thigh and surrounding area.


  1. a form of neuralgia characterized by intense pain and tenderness along the course of the body’s longest nerve (sciatic nerve), extending from the back of the thigh down to the calf of the leg

n.late 14c., from Medieval Latin sciatica, in sciatica passio “sciatic disease,” fem. of sciaticus “sciatic,” corruption of Latin ischiadicus “of pain in the hip,” from Greek iskhiadikos, from iskhias (genitive iskhiados) “pain in the hips,” from iskhion “hip joint.” n.

  1. Pain along the sciatic nerve that radiates from the lower back to the buttocks and back of the thigh and is usually caused by a herniated disk of the lumbar region of the spine.

Chronic pain in the hip and upper leg caused by irritation of a large nerve — the sciatic nerve — that runs through the pelvis and down the back of the thigh.

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