


  1. a receipt, certificate, list, or similar brief piece of writing.
  2. a scrap of paper.
  3. Finance.
    1. a certificate representing a fraction of a share of stock.
    2. a certificate to be exchanged for goods, as at a company store.
    3. a certificate indicating the right of the holder to receive payment later in the form of cash, goods, or land.
  4. paper currency in denominations of less than one dollar, formerly issued in the United States.


  1. a written certificate, list, etc
  2. a small scrap, esp of paper with writing on it
  3. finance
    1. a certificate representing a claim to part of a share of stock
    2. the shares allocated in a bonus issue


  1. archaic a small bag or wallet, as carried by pilgrims


  1. informal a medical prescription

n.“certificate of a right to receive something” (especially a stock share), 1762, probably shortened from (sub)scrip(tion) receipt. Originally “receipt for a portion of a loan subscribed,” meaning “certificate issued as currency” first recorded 1790.

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