

verb (used with object), se·cret·ed, se·cret·ing.

  1. to discharge, generate, or release by the process of secretion.

verb (used with object), se·cret·ed, se·cret·ing.

  1. to place out of sight; hide; conceal: squirrels secreting nuts in a hollow tree trunk.

noun Armor.

  1. a steel skullcap of the 17th century, worn under a soft hat.


  1. (of a cell, organ, etc) to synthesize and release (a secretion)


  1. (tr) to put in a hiding place

v.1707, back-formation from secretion. Related: Secreted; secretes; secreting. v.

  1. To generate and release a substance from a cell or a gland.

  1. To produce and discharge a substance, especially from the cells of specialized glands. For example, the islets of Langerhans in the pancreas secrete the hormone insulin.
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