


  1. incitement of discontent or rebellion against a government.
  2. any action, especially in speech or writing, promoting such discontent or rebellion.
  3. Archaic. rebellious disorder.


  1. speech or behaviour directed against the peace of a state
  2. an offence that tends to undermine the authority of a state
  3. an incitement to public disorder
  4. archaic revolt

n.mid-14c., “rebellion, uprising, revolt, concerted attempt to overthrow civil authority; violent strife between factions, civil or religious disorder, riot; rebelliousness against authority,” from Old French sedicion (14c., Modern French sédition) and directly from Latin seditionem (nominative seditio) “civil disorder, dissention, strife; rebellion, mutiny,” literally “a going apart, separation,” from se- “apart” (see secret) + itio “a going,” from past participle of ire “to go” (see ion). Meaning “conduct or language inciting to rebellion against a lawful government” is from 1838. An Old English word for it was folcslite. Less serious than treason, as wanting an overt act, “But it is not essential to the offense of sedition that it threaten the very existence of the state or its authority in its entire extent” [Century Dictionary]. Acts that incite rebellion or civil disorder against an established government.

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