


  1. the act or an instance of seizing.
  2. the state of being seized.
  3. a taking possession of an item, property, or person legally or by force.
  4. a sudden attack, as of epilepsy or some other disease.


  1. the act or an instance of seizing or the state of being seized
  2. pathol a sudden manifestation or recurrence of a disease, such as an epileptic convulsion

n.“act of seizing,” late 15c., from seize + -ure. Meaning “sudden attack of illness” is attested from 1779. n.

  1. A paroxysmal episode, caused by abnormal electrical conduction in the brain, resulting in the abrupt onset of transient neurologic symptoms such as involuntary muscle movements, sensory disturbances and altered consciousness.convulsion
  2. A sudden attack, as of a disease.

  1. A sudden episode of transient neurologic symptoms such as involuntary muscle movements, sensory disturbances and altered consciousness. A seizure is caused by abnormal electrical activity in the brain, which is often diagnosed on an electroencephalogram. See also epilepsy.
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