


  1. an act of moving forward.
  2. promotion in rank or standing; preferment: She had high hopes for advancement in the company.
  3. Law. money or property given by one person during his or her lifetime to another that is considered an anticipation of an inheritance and is therefore to be deducted from any share that the recipient may have in a donor’s estate.


  1. the act or process of improving one’s position, education, etc


  1. promotion in rank, status, etc; preferment
  2. a less common word for advance (def. 10), advance (def. 11)
  3. property law the use during a testator’s lifetime of money or property for the benefit of a child or other person who is a prospective beneficiary in the testator’s will

n.c.1300, avauncement, “a raising to a higher rank,” from Old French avancement “advancement, profit, advance payment,” from avancer (see advance (v.)). Of money, from 1640s. n.

  1. A surgical procedure in which a tendinous insertion or a skin flap is severed from its attachment and is sutured to a further point on the body.
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