


  1. a statement, picture in words, or account that describes; descriptive representation.
  2. the act or method of describing.
  3. sort; kind; variety: dogs of every description.
  4. Geometry. the act or process of describing a figure.


  1. a statement or account that describes; representation in words
  2. the act, process, or technique of describing
  3. sort, kind, or varietyreptiles of every description
  4. geometry the act of drawing a line or figure, such as an arc
  5. philosophy a noun phrase containing a predicate that may replace a name as the subject of a sentence

n.late 14c., from Old French description (12c.) and directly from Latin descriptionem (nominative descriptio) “representation, description, copy,” noun of action from past participle stem of describere “write down, transcribe, copy, sketch,” from de- “down” (see de-) + scribere “write” (see script (n.)). see beggar description.

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