

verb (used with object), es·tranged, es·trang·ing.

  1. to turn away in feeling or affection; make unfriendly or hostile; alienate the affections of: Their quarrel estranged the two friends.
  2. to remove to or keep at a distance: The necessity for traveling on business has estranged him from his family.
  3. to divert from the original use or possessor.

verb (tr)

  1. (usually passive often foll by from) to separate and live apart from (one’s spouse)he is estranged from his wife
  2. (usually passive often foll by from) to antagonize or lose the affection of (someone previously friendly); alienate

v.late 15c., from Middle French estrangier “to alienate,” from Vulgar Latin *extraneare “to treat as a stranger,” from Latin extraneus “foreign” (see strange). Related: Estranged.

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