


  1. an exhibiting, showing, or presenting to view.
  2. a public display, as of the work of artists or artisans, the products of farms or factories, the skills of performers, or objects of general interest.
  3. an exposition or large fair of extended duration, as a world’s fair.
  4. British. an allowance given to a student in a college, university, or school, usually upon the result of a competitive examination.
  5. Medicine/Medical Obsolete. administration, as of a remedy.


  1. a public display of art, products, skills, activities, etca judo exhibition
  2. the act of exhibiting or the state of being exhibited
  3. make an exhibition of oneself to behave so foolishly in public that one excites notice or ridicule
  4. British an allowance or scholarship awarded to a student at a university or school

n.early 14c., from Old French exhibicion, exibicion “show, exhibition, display,” from Late Latin exhibitionem (nominative exhibitio), noun of action from past participle stem of exhibere “to show, display,” literally “to hold out,” from ex- “out” (see ex-) + habere “to hold” (see habit). see make an exhibition of oneself.

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