


  1. the act of interrogating; questioning.
  2. an instance of being interrogated: He seemed shaken after his interrogation.
  3. a question; inquiry.
  4. a written list of questions.
  5. an interrogation point; question mark.


  1. the technique, practice, or an instance of interrogating
  2. a question or query
  3. telecomm the transmission of one or more triggering pulses to a transponder

n.late 14c., “a questioning; a set of questions,” from Old French interrogacion (13c.) or directly from Latin interrogationem (nominative interrogatio) “a question, questioning, interrogation,” noun of action from past participle stem of interrogare “to ask, question, inquire, interrogate,” from inter- “between” (see inter-) + rogare “ask, to question” (see rogation).

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