


  1. an act of manifesting.
  2. the state of being manifested.
  3. outward or perceptible indication; materialization: At first there was no manifestation of the disease.
  4. a public demonstration, as for political effect.
  5. Spiritualism. a materialization.


  1. the act of demonstrating; displaya manifestation of solidarity
  2. the state of being manifested
  3. an indication or sign
  4. a public demonstration of feeling
  5. the materialization of a disembodied spirit

n.early 15c., “action of manifesting; exhibition, demonstration,” from Late Latin manifestationem (nominative manifestatio), noun of action from past participle stem of Latin manifestare (see manifest (adj.)). Meaning “an object, action, or presence by which something is made manifest” is from 1785. The spiritualism sense is attested from 1853. n.

  1. An indication of the existence, reality, or presence of something, especially an illness.
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