


  1. the act of persuading or seeking to persuade.
  2. the power of persuading; persuasive force.
  3. the state or fact of being persuaded or convinced.
  4. a deep conviction or belief.
  5. a form or system of belief, especially religious belief: the Quaker persuasion.
  6. a sect, group, or faction holding or advocating a particular belief, idea, ideology, etc.: Several of the people present are of the socialist persuasion.
  7. Facetious. kind or sort.


  1. the act of persuading or of trying to persuade
  2. the power to persuade
  3. the state of being persuaded; strong belief
  4. an established creed or belief, esp a religious one
  5. a sect, party, or faction

n.late 14c., “action of inducing (someone) to believe (something); argument to persuade, inducement,” from Old French persuasion (14c.) and directly from Latin persuasionem (nominative persuasio) “a convincing, persuading,” noun of action from past participle stem of persuadere “persuade, convince,” from per- “thoroughly, strongly” (see per) + suadere “to urge, persuade,” from PIE *swad- “sweet, pleasant” (see sweet (adj.)). Meaning “religious belief, creed” is from 1620s.

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