


  1. a proceeding, measure, or provision by which one prepares for something: preparations for a journey.
  2. any proceeding, experience, or the like considered as a mode of preparing for the future.
  3. an act of preparing.
  4. the state of being prepared.
  5. something prepared, manufactured, or compounded: a special preparation for sunbathers.
  6. a specimen, as an animal body, prepared for scientific examination, dissection, etc.
  7. Music.
    1. the preparing of a dissonance, by introducing the dissonant tone as a consonant tone in the preceding chord.
    2. the tone so introduced.
  8. New Testament. the day before the Sabbath or a feast day.
  9. British. work done by students in preparation for class; homework.
  10. the Preparation, the introductory prayers of the Mass or other divine service.


  1. the act or process of preparing
  2. the state of being prepared; readiness
  3. (often plural) a measure done in order to prepare for something; provisionto make preparations for something
  4. something that is prepared, esp a medicinal formulation
  5. (esp in a boarding school)
    1. homework
    2. the period reserved for thisUsually shortened to: prep
  6. music
    1. the anticipation of a dissonance so that the note producing it in one chord is first heard in the preceding chord as a consonance
    2. a note so employed
  7. (often capital) the preliminary prayers at Mass or divine service

n.late 14c., “act of preparing,” from Latin praeparationem (nominative praeparatio) “a making ready,” noun of action from past participle stem of praeparare “prepare,” from prae “before” (see pre-) + parare “make ready” (see pare). Meaning “a substance especially prepared” is from 1640s. n.

  1. A substance, such as a medicine, prepared for a particular purpose.
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