


  1. advancement in rank or position.
  2. furtherance or encouragement.
  3. the act of promoting.
  4. the state of being promoted.
  5. something devised to publicize or advertise a product, cause, institution, etc., as a brochure, free sample, poster, television or radio commercial, or personal appearance.
  6. Also called queening. Chess. the replacement of a pawn that has reached the enemy’s first rank by a more powerful piece of the same color, usually a queen.


  1. the act or practice of promoting one’s own interests, profile, etc

n.c.1400, “advancement in rank or position,” from Old French promocion “election, promotion” (14c., Modern French promotion) and directly from Latin promotionem (nominative promotio) “a moving forward,” noun of action from past participle stem of promovere (see promote). Meaning “advertising, publicity” first recorded 1925. n.

  1. The stimulation of the progress or growth of a tumor following initiation by a promoter.
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