


  1. something that restricts; a restrictive condition or regulation; limitation.
  2. the act of restricting.
  3. the state of being restricted.


  1. something that restricts; a restrictive measure, law, etc
  2. the act of restricting or the state of being restricted
  3. logic maths a condition that imposes a constraint on the possible values of a variable or on the domain of arguments of a function

n.early 15c., “that which restricts,” from Middle French restriction (14c.) and directly from Late Latin restrictionem (nominative restrictio) “limitation,” noun of action from past participle stem of Latin restringere “restrict, bind fast, restrain,” from re- “back” (see re-) + stringere “draw tight” (see strain (v.)). Meaning “act of restricting” is from 1620s.

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