


  1. importance; consequence: the significance of the new treaty.
  2. meaning; import: The familiar place had a new significance for her.
  3. the quality of being significant or having a meaning: to give significance to dull chores.


  1. consequence or importance
  2. something signified, expressed, or intended
  3. the state or quality of being significant
  4. statistics
    1. a measure of the confidence that can be placed in a result, esp a substantive causal hypothesis, as not being merely a matter of chance
    2. (as modifier)a significance level Compare confidence level See also hypothesis testing

n.c.1400, “meaning,” from Old French significance or directly from Latin significantia “meaning, force, energy,” from significans, present participle of significare “to mean, import, signify” (see signify). The earlier word was signifiance (mid-13c.). Meaning “importance” is from 1725. Related: Significancy.

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