


  1. the act of vindicating.
  2. the state of being vindicated.
  3. defense; excuse; justification: Poverty was a vindication for his thievery.
  4. something that vindicates: Subsequent events were her vindication.


  1. the act of vindicating or the condition of being vindicated
  2. a means of exoneration from an accusation
  3. a fact, evidence, circumstance, etc, that serves to vindicate a theory or claim

n.late 15c., “act of avenging, revenge,” from Latin vindicationem (nominative vindicatio) “act of claiming or avenging,” from vindicare “to set free, lay claim to, assert, avenge” (related to vindicta “revenge”), probably from vim dicare “to show authority,” from vim, accusative of vis “force” + root of dicere “to say” (see diction). Meaning “justification by proof, defense against censure” is attested from 1640s.

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