


  1. of, pertaining to, of the nature of, or resulting from industry: industrial production; industrial waste.
  2. having many and highly developed industries: an industrial nation.
  3. engaged in an industry or industries: industrial workers.
  4. of or relating to the workers in industries: industrial training.
  5. used in industry: industrial diamonds: industrial fabrics.
  6. noting or pertaining to industrial life insurance.


  1. an industrial product: diamonds classed as industrials and nonindustrials.
  2. a company engaged in industrial enterprises.
  3. an employee in some industry, especially a manufacturing industry.
  4. industrials, stocks and bonds of industrial companies.


  1. of, relating to, derived from, or characteristic of industry
  2. employed in industrythe industrial workforce
  3. relating to or concerned with workers in industryindustrial conditions
  4. used in industryindustrial chemicals

adj.1774, from French industriel, from Medieval Latin industrialis, from Latin industria (see industry). Earlier the word had been used in English in a sense “resulting from labor” (1580s); the modern use is considered a reborrowing. Meaning “suitable for industrial use” is from 1904. As a style of dance music, attested from 1988. Industrial revolution was in use by 1840 to refer to recent developments and changes in England and elsewhere.

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