


  1. an attitude toward something; regard; opinion.
  2. a mental feeling; emotion: a sentiment of pity.
  3. refined or tender emotion; manifestation of the higher or more refined feelings.
  4. exhibition or manifestation of feeling or sensibility, or appeal to the tender emotions, in literature, art, or music.
  5. a thought influenced by or proceeding from feeling or emotion.
  6. the thought or feeling intended to be conveyed by words, acts, or gestures as distinguished from the words, acts, or gestures themselves.


  1. susceptibility to tender, delicate, or romantic emotionshe has too much sentiment to be successful
  2. (often plural) a thought, opinion, or attitude
  3. exaggerated, overindulged, or mawkish feeling or emotion
  4. an expression of response to deep feeling, esp in art or literature
  5. a feeling, emotion, or awarenessa sentiment of pity
  6. a mental attitude modified or determined by feelingthere is a strong revolutionary sentiment in his country
  7. a feeling conveyed, or intended to be conveyed, in words

n.late 14c., sentement, “personal experience, one’s own feeling,” from Old French sentement (12c.), from Medieval Latin sentimentum “feeling, affection, opinion,” from Latin sentire “to feel” (see sense (n.)). Meaning “what one feels about something” (1630s) and modern spelling seem to be a re-introduction from French (where it was spelled sentiment by 17c.). A vogue word mid-18c. with wide application, commonly “a thought colored by or proceeding from emotion” (1762), especially as expressed in literature or art. The 17c. sense is preserved in phrases such as my sentiments exactly.

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