


  1. plural of septum.

noun, plural sep·ta [sep-tuh] /ˈsɛp tə/. Biology.

  1. a dividing wall, membrane, or the like, in a plant or animal structure; dissepiment.


  1. the plural of septum

noun plural -ta (-tə)

  1. biology anatomy a dividing partition between two tissues or cavities
  2. a dividing partition or membrane between two cavities in a mechanical device

n.“partition between the nostrils,” 1690s, Modern Latin, from Latin saeptum “a fence, enclosure, partition,” from neuter past participle of saepire “to hedge in,” from saepes “hedge, fence.” Related: Septal. n. pl. sep•ta (-tə)

  1. A thin partition or membrane dividing two cavities or soft masses of tissue in an organism.
  2. The septum pellucidum.

Plural septa

  1. A thin wall or membrane that separates two parts or structures in an organism. Septae separate the chambers of the heart and subdivide the hyphae of some fungi.
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