

noun, plural se·ries.

  1. a group or a number of related or similar things, events, etc., arranged or occurring in temporal, spatial, or other order or succession; sequence.
  2. a number of games, contests, or sporting events, with the same participants, considered as a unit: The two baseball clubs played a five-game series.
  3. a set, as of coins or stamps.
  4. a set of successive volumes or issues of a periodical published in like form with similarity of subject or purpose.
  5. Radio and Television.
    1. a daily or weekly program with the same cast and format and a continuing story, as a soap opera, situation comedy, or drama.
    2. a number of related programs having the same theme, cast, or format: a series of four programs on African wildlife.
  6. Mathematics.
    1. a sequence of terms combined by addition, as 1 + ½ + ¼ + ⅛ + … ½ n.
    2. infinite series.
  7. Rhetoric. a succession of coordinate sentence elements.
  8. Geology. a division of stratified rocks that is of next higher rank to a stage and next lower rank to a system, comprising deposits formed during part of a geological epoch.
  9. Electricity. an end-to-end arrangement of the components, as resistors, in a circuit so that the same current flows through each component.Compare parallel(def 13).
  10. Chemistry. a group of related chemical elements arranged in order of increasing atomic number: the lanthanide series.


  1. Electricity. consisting of or having component parts connected in series: a series circuit; a series generator.

noun plural -ries

  1. a group or connected succession of similar or related things, usually arranged in order
  2. a set of radio or television programmes having the same characters and setting but different stories
  3. a set of books having the same format, related content, etc, published by one firm
  4. a set of stamps, coins, etc, issued at a particular time
  5. maths the sum of a finite or infinite sequence of numbers or quantitiesSee also geometric series
  6. electronics
    1. a configuration of two or more components connected in a circuit so that the same current flows in turn through each of them (esp in the phrase in series)
    2. (as modifier)a series circuit Compare parallel (def. 10)
  7. rhetoric a succession of coordinate elements in a sentence
  8. geology a stratigraphical unit that is a subdivision of a system and represents the rocks formed during an epoch

n.1610s, “a number or set of things of one kind arranged in a line,” from Latin series “row, chain, series, sequence, succession,” from serere “to join, link, bind together, arrange, attach, put; join in speech, discuss,” from PIE root *ser- (3) “to line up, join” (cf. Sanskrit sarat- “thread,” Greek eirein “to fasten together in rows,” Gothic sarwa (plural) “armor, arms,” Old Norse sörve “necklace of stringed pearls,” Old Irish sernaid “he joins together,” Welsh ystret “row”). Meaning “set of printed works published consecutively” is from 1711. Meaning “set of radio or television programs with the same characters and themes” is attested from 1949. Baseball sense “set of games on consecutive days between the same teams” is from 1862. n. pl. series

  1. A number of objects or events arranged or coming one after the other in succession.
  2. A group of objects related by linearly varying successive differences in form or configuration, as in a radioactive decay series.

  1. The sum of a sequence of terms, for example 2 + 22 + 23 + 24 + 25 + …
  2. A group of rock formations closely related in time of origin and distinct as a group from other formations.
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