


  1. a frozen fruit-flavored mixture, similar to an ice, but with milk, egg white, or gelatin added.
  2. British. a drink made of sweetened fruit juice diluted with water and ice.
  3. a frozen fruit or vegetable purée, served either between courses to cleanse the palate or as a dessert.


  1. a fruit-flavoured slightly effervescent powder, eaten as a sweet or used to make a drinklemon sherbet
  2. US and Canadian a water ice made from fruit juice, egg whites, milk, etcAlso called (in Britain and certain other countries): sorbet
  3. Australian slang beer
  4. a cooling Oriental drink of sweetened fruit juice
  5. Southern African informal a euphemistic word for shit taboo

n.c.1600, zerbet, “drink made from diluted fruit juice and sugar,” and cooled with fresh snow when possible, from Turkish serbet, from Persian sharbat, from Arabic sharba(t) “a drink,” from shariba “he drank.” Formerly also sherbert.Related to syrup, and cf. sorbet.

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