

noun, plural shit·tim [shit-im] /ˈʃɪt ɪm/, shit·tahs.

  1. a tree, said to be an acacia, probably Acacia seyal, that yielded the shittim wood of the Old Testament.


  1. the wood, probably acacia, of which the ark of the covenant and various parts of the tabernacle were made. Ex. 25, 26.
  2. the cascara, Rhamnus purshiana.
  3. false buckthorn.


  1. Old Testament the site to the east of the Jordan and northeast of the Dead Sea where the Israelites encamped before crossing the Jordan (Numbers 25:1–9)

noun plural shittim (ˈʃɪtɪm) or shittahs

  1. a tree mentioned in the Old Testament, thought to be either of two Asian acacias, Acacia seyal or A. tortilis, having close-grained yellow-brown wood


  1. Old Testament a kind of wood, probably acacia, from which the Ark of the Covenant and parts of the tabernacle were made
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