

shrug [shruhg] ExamplesWord Origin See more synonyms for shrug on verb (used with object), shrugged, shrug·ging.

  1. to raise and contract (the shoulders), expressing indifference, disdain, etc.

verb (used without object), shrugged, shrug·ging.

  1. to raise and contract the shoulders.


  1. the movement of raising and contracting the shoulders.
  2. a short sweater or jacket that ends above or at the waistline.

Verb Phrases

  1. shrug off,
    1. to disregard; minimize: to shrug off an insult.
    2. to rid oneself of: to shrug off the effects of a drug.

Origin of shrug 1350–1400; (v.) Middle English schruggen to shudder, shrug late Middle English shrugge a tug, pull, derivative of the v.Related formsun·shrug·ging, adjective Related Words for shrug nod, signal, sign, token, indication, action, reminder, expression, salute, hurtle, fling, bump, flop, jolt, bounce, snatch, wriggle, wiggle, wrench, lug Examples from the Web for shrug Contemporary Examples of shrug

  • “The girls I used to race with would just pull their pants around their ankles and hang off the back,” Ralphie says with I shrug.

    Inside Sailing’s Biggest Race

    Lizzie Crocker

    October 11, 2014

  • Mason ambles through life, free to enjoy the little moments and shrug off the big ones, just like his father did before him.

    Black ‘Boyhood’ Is Always Black First, Boy Later

    Teo Bugbee

    August 30, 2014

  • Around my own friends, someone will wind up a conversation with a shrug and a baffling—to me—utterance of “Haters gonna hate.”

    Why We Should Hate ‘Haters Gonna Hate’

    Tim Teeman

    August 25, 2014

  • Of course this gets at the heart of why some attacks on black Republicans inspire a shrug.

    The Secret War On Black Republicans

    Keli Goff

    July 11, 2014

  • Yet, relative to the massive amount of attention, shock, and criticism, I can only muster a shrug and a plea to chill out.

    The Internet’s Latest Pearl-Clutching Panic Over Mamading Is Insane

    Emily Shire

    July 4, 2014

  • Historical Examples of shrug

  • He returned with a shrug of the shoulders to his table in the morning-room.


    William J. Locke

  • The shoulders of Mr Verloc, without actually moving, suggested a shrug.

    The Secret Agent

    Joseph Conrad

  • “They are paying themselves for the mules and horses,” said Fray Henriques with a shrug.

    Fair Margaret

    H. Rider Haggard

  • “That you will find out,” she said, with a shrug of her shoulders.

    Fair Margaret

    H. Rider Haggard

  • A machine which makes a Frenchman shrug his shoulders with good reason.

    The Devil’s Dictionary

    Ambrose Bierce

  • British Dictionary definitions for shrug shrug verb shrugs, shrugging or shrugged

    1. to draw up and drop (the shoulders) abruptly in a gesture expressing indifference, contempt, ignorance, etc


    1. the gesture so made
    2. a woman’s short jacket or close-fitting cardigan

    Word Origin for shrug C14: of uncertain origin Word Origin and History for shrug v.

    c.1400, schurgyng, of uncertain origin. Perhaps connected to Danish skrugge “to stoop, crouch.” Related: Shrugged; shrugging. To shrug (something) off “dismiss” is recorded from 1909.


    a shoulder motion meant to express indifference, want of an answer, etc., 1590s, from shrug (v.).

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