

shtetl [shtet-l, shtey-tl] Examples noun, plural shtet·lach [shtet-lahkh, -luh kh, shteyt-] /ˈʃtɛt lɑx, -ləx, ˈʃteɪt-/, English shtetls. Yiddish.

  1. (formerly) a Jewish village or small-town community in eastern Europe.

Examples from the Web for shtetl Contemporary Examples of shtetl

  • He was the manager where I was working, an old-fashioned Jew from the Polish shtetl.

    Mel Brooks Is Always Funny and Often Wise in This 1975 Playboy Interview

    Alex Belth

    February 16, 2014

  • British Dictionary definitions for shtetl shtetl noun plural shtetlach (ˈʃtetlaːx) or shtetls

    1. (formerly) a small Jewish community in Eastern Europe

    Word Origin for shtetl Yiddish, little town Word Origin and History for shtetl n.

    Jewish small town or village in Eastern Europe, 1949, from Yiddish, literally “little town,” from diminutive of German Stadt “city, town,” from Old High German stat “place,” from PIE root *sta- “to stand” (see stet).

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