

sigmoid [sig-moid] ExamplesWord Origin adjective

  1. shaped like the letter C.
  2. shaped like the letter S.
  3. of, relating to, or situated near the sigmoid flexure of the large intestine.

Sometimes sig·moi·dal [sig-moi-dl] /sɪgˈmɔɪ dl/. Origin of sigmoid First recorded in 1660–70, sigmoid is from the Greek word sigmoeidḗs shaped like a sigma. See sigma, -oid Related formssig·moi·dal·ly, adverbpost·sig·moid, adjectivepost·sig·moi·dal, adjective Examples from the Web for sigmoidal Historical Examples of sigmoidal

  • A sigmoidal fold, showing a bed xx in an overfold with arch (a), trough (t) and common limb c.

    The Principles of Stratigraphical Geology

    J. E. Marr

  • British Dictionary definitions for sigmoidal sigmoid adjective Also: sigmoidal

    1. shaped like the letter S
    2. of or relating to the sigmoid colon of the large intestine


    1. See sigmoid colon

    Word Origin for sigmoid C17: from Greek sigmoeidēs sigma-shaped Word Origin and History for sigmoidal sigmoid adj.

    “shaped like a C” (1660s) or “shaped like an S” (1786), from sigma (q.v.) + -oid. Especially of the flexure of the colon (1891).

    sigmoidal in Medicine sigmoid [sĭg′moid′] adj.

    1. Having the shape of the letter S.
    2. Of or relating to the sigmoid flexure of the colon.
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