

simarouba or sim·a·ru·ba [sim-uh-roo-buh] Word Origin noun

  1. any tropical American tree belonging to the genus Simaruba, of the quassia family, having pinnate leaves, a fleshy fruit, and a root whose bark contains an appetite stimulant.
  2. the bark of this family of trees and shrubs.

Origin of simarouba 1745–55; French Carib simaruba British Dictionary definitions for simarouba simarouba simaruba noun

  1. any tropical American tree of the genus Simarouba, esp S. amara, having divided leaves and fleshy fruits: family Simaroubaceae
  2. the medicinal bark of any of these trees

Word Origin for simarouba C18: from New Latin, from Carib simaruba

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