


  1. the visible vapor and gases given off by a burning or smoldering substance, especially the gray, brown, or blackish mixture of gases and suspended carbon particles resulting from the combustion of wood, peat, coal, or other organic matter.
  2. something resembling this, as vapor or mist, flying particles, etc.
  3. something unsubstantial, evanescent, or without result: Their hopes and dreams proved to be smoke.
  4. an obscuring condition: the smoke of controversy.
  5. an act or spell of smoking something, especially tobacco: They had a smoke during the intermission.
  6. something for smoking, as a cigar or cigarette: This is the best smoke on the market.
  7. Slang. marijuana.
  8. Slang. a homemade drink consisting of denatured alcohol and water.
  9. Physics, Chemistry. a system of solid particles suspended in a gaseous medium.
  10. a bluish or brownish gray color.
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