


  1. a keen sense of what to say or do to avoid giving offense; skill in dealing with difficult or delicate situations.
  2. a keen sense of what is appropriate, tasteful, or aesthetically pleasing; taste; discrimination.
  3. touch or the sense of touch.


  1. a sense of what is fitting and considerate in dealing with others, so as to avoid giving offence or to win good will; discretion
  2. skill or judgment in handling difficult or delicate situations; diplomacy

n.1650s, “sense of touch or feeling” (with an isolated instance from c.1200), from Latin tactus “touch, feeling, handling, sense of touch,” from root of tangere “to touch” (see tangent). Meaning “sense of “discernment, diplomacy, etc.” first recorded 1804, from a sense that developed in French cognate tact.

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