


  1. English Furniture.
    1. a chest of drawers supported by a low stand.Compare highboy.
    2. a chest-on-chest.
  2. a tall chimney pot.
  3. a tall-stemmed goblet.
  4. (initial capital letter) Military. a 12,000-pound (5400 kg) British bomb of World War II, designed to penetrate the target or plunge deep into the ground before detonating.


  1. a high chest of drawers made in two sections and placed one on top of the other; chest-on-chest
  2. a fitting on the top of a chimney to prevent downdraughts

n.“high glass or goblet,” 1670s, from tall + boy, though the exact signification is unclear. In reference to a high chest of drawers it is recorded from 1769, here perhaps a partial loan-translation of French haut bois, literally “high wood.”

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