


  1. the philosophical system evolved by Lao-tzu and Chuang-tzu, advocating a life of complete simplicity and naturalness and of noninterference with the course of natural events, in order to attain a happy existence in harmony with the Tao.
  2. Also called Hsüan Chiao. a popular Chinese religion, originating in the doctrines of Lao-tzu but later highly eclectic in nature and characterized by a pantheon of many gods and by the practice of alchemy, divination, and magic.


  1. the philosophy of Lao Zi that advocates a simple honest life and noninterference with the course of natural events
  2. a popular Chinese system of religion and philosophy claiming to be teachings of Lao Zi but also incorporating pantheism and sorcery

n.religious system founded by Lao Tzu (b. 604 B.C.E.), 1839, from Chinese tao “way, path, right way (of life), reason” + -ism. A religion native to China. Its adherents attempt to live according to the Tao — the “Way,” which they believe governs the universe.

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