

noun, plural teals, (especially collectively) teal for 1.

  1. any of several species of small dabbling ducks, of worldwide distribution, usually traveling in tight flocks and frequenting ponds and marshes.
  2. Also called teal blue. a medium to dark greenish blue.

noun plural teals or teal

  1. any of various small ducks, such as the Eurasian Anas crecca (common teal) that are related to the mallard and frequent ponds, lakes, and marshes
  2. a greenish-blue colour

n.“small freshwater duck,” early 14c., probably from an unrecorded Old English word cognate with Middle Dutch teling “teal,” Middle Low German telink, from West Germanic *taili. As the name of a shade of dark greenish-blue like the color patterns on the fowl’s head and wings, it is attested from 1923.

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