


  1. a measure of the warmth or coldness of an object or substance with reference to some standard value. The temperature of two systems is the same when the systems are in thermal equilibrium.
  2. Physiology, Pathology.
    1. the degree of heat in a living body, normally about 98.6°F (37°C) in humans.
    2. the excess of this above the normal.
  3. Obsolete. mildness, as of the weather.
  4. Obsolete. temperament.


  1. the degree of hotness of a body, substance, or medium; a physical property related to the average kinetic energy of the atoms or molecules of a substance
  2. a measure of this degree of hotness, indicated on a scale that has one or more fixed reference points
  3. informal a body temperature in excess of the normal
  4. archaic
    1. compromise
    2. temperament
    3. temperance

n.1530s, “fact of being tempered,” also “character or nature of a substance,” from Latin temperatura “a tempering, moderation,” from temperatus, past participle of temperare “to moderate” (see temper (v.)). Sense of “degree of heat or cold” first recorded 1670 (Boyle), from Latin temperatura, used in this sense by Galileo. Meaning “fever, high temperature” is attested from 1898. n.

  1. The degree of hotness or coldness of a body or an environment.
  2. A specific degree of hotness or coldness as indicated on or referred to a standard scale.
  3. The degree of heat in the body of a living organism, usually about 37.0°C (98.6°F) in humans.
  4. An abnormally high condition of body heat caused by illness; a fever.

  1. A measure of the ability of a substance, or more generally of any physical system, to transfer heat energy to another physical system. The temperature of a substance is closely related to the average kinetic energy of its molecules. See also Boyle’s law.
  2. Any of various standardized numerical measures of this ability, such as the Kelvin, Fahrenheit, and Celsius scales.
  3. An abnormally high body temperature; a fever.

see run a fever (temperature).

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