- a person or group that rents and occupies land, a house, an office, or the like, from another for a period of time; lessee.
- Law. a person who holds or possesses for a time lands, tenements, or personalty of another, usually for rent.
- an occupant or inhabitant of any place.
verb (used with object)
- to hold or occupy as a tenant; dwell in; inhabit.
verb (used without object)
- to dwell or live (usually followed by in).
- a person who holds, occupies, or possesses land or property by any kind of right or title, esp from a landlord under a lease
- a person who has the use of a house, flat, etc, subject to the payment of rent
- any holder or occupant
- (tr) to hold (land or property) as a tenant
- (intr foll by in) rare to dwell
n.early 14c., “person who holds lands by title or by lease,” from Anglo-French tenaunt (late 13c.), Old French tenant (12c.), noun use of present participle of tenir “to hold,” from Latin tenere “hold, keep” (see tenet).